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Fishing or Hunting? Strategic Information Circulation Practices to Reach Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Stéphanie Dameron, Lionel Garreau et Anthony Gour
Conférence de la Stategic Management Society, 2013, Atlanta
This paper proposes a study of strategic information circulation practices. It draws on Simon and March works (Feldman & March, 1981; March & Simon, 1958; Simon, 1947) about information to address practices of strategic information circulation as social practices, as addressed by the Strategy-as-Practice approach. The focus on social practices opened ways for better understanding the fuzziness behind people accessing, collecting and using of information.We examined how major French companies organized the processes of strategic information circulation. We propose an integrative metaphorical model that represents a taxonomy of four type of practices that companies set to organize strategic information circulation.
Article pré-sélectionné pour le prix de la communication avec les meilleures implications managériales.
Ce projet s'inscrit dans l'axe de recherche Circulation et interprétation de l'information stratégique